Our Overseas College Counseling department helps the students who want to go on their university education abroad and their families during this process. There are many educational opportunities all around the world for students. Our aim is to be able to place the students in the most appropriate program that addresses to the interest, skills and aims of them among the thousands of choices. We have been guiding our students in school search, application completion and decision processes.

We help all our students from 9th grade to 11th grade who want to study abroad and their parents plan their future by conducting individual meetings. Students and parents are informed about and directed to the Study Abroad Education Fairs that are held in Istanbul.  Moreover, selected and appropriate universities that visit Turkey are invited to our school in order to inform the students and parents as well as submit publicity and promotion presentations. Our overseas college counselor is having regular meetings with our 11th grade students and specifies the most suitable schools for them and also directs for the exams that should be taken at 11th  grade (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, ACT ). Acarkent Doğa High School is an authorized exam center for PSAT exams which are the preparation level of SAT exams. In the meantime our school is an IELTS exam center authorized by British Council and our students can sit this exam at our school. From the beginning of the academic year on, goal-oriented meetings with our 12th grade students continues, the application file that has to be prepared until November is completed and sent to the universities that the students want.

Application Preparation

In order to go to a university abroad, the students are required to prepare an application file. Although the detailed content of this application file changes from country to country and from school to school, the university demands the most of the below-mentioned documents:

  • Application form
  • English Proficiency Test Score (TOEFL or IELTS )
  • SAT or  ACT Test scores (especially for the USA and Canada)
  • Academic Reference Letters
  • Personal Statement
  • Official Transcript – IB Predicted Grades
  • Resume (CV)
    – Rewards received
    – Extracurricular activities, participation certificates to social activities
    – Summer schools attended

– Other certificates received


Summer Schools

Summer schools are proven to be very beneficial for personal and academic development. We are directing our:

  • Prep and 9th grade students to language schools for advancing their English skills,
  • Students who is planning to attend to IB after finishing 10.grade to Pre-IB courses,
  • 11th Grade students to subject based summer schools which provides them with taking the introduction lessons to the main course related to the department they want to attend as well as developing their use of academic English. In some summer schools even undergraduate level lessons are available and they are able to be counted at universities.


One important aspect to consider is the variety and thus the changing quality of the programs that the summer schools offer. As a result, summer school terms of reference and fees vary.  Application deadlines are usually in spring term, for this reason the students who plan to attend to summer school should meet the Overseas College Counselor from February on.

For further information you can contact our overseas college counselor (aybers.soycan@dogakoleji.k12.tr).